Thursday, March 6, 2025

Locked Down: The Scariest Show You Will Never See review


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Get that blindfold on! Morpheus’s interactive horror is scary – but teaming up with strangers is fun

We have been told to bring a blindfold and headphones for a “terrifying sonic experience” on Zoom. There’s a trigger warning of its “adult content” by a faceless voice called Master, who tells us that emotions will run high over the next two hours – so we can remove the blindfolds and take a breather if we feel overwhelmed. Now the nerves really are jangling.

But they jangle in a good way in the course of this interactive digital drama, devised by Morpheus and produced by Yana Greene, who also adapted its script from the original in Russian. We, its participants, are its actors, says Master (Dominic McChesney), and everything will happen in our minds.

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