Monday, March 10, 2025

Slowthai: ‘I know who I am, I know what I stand for’


He’s no stranger to controversy, but few doubt the talent of rapper Tyron Frampton, AKA Slowthai. He talks about online shaming, his new album – and paying tribute to the NHS

Dressed – half-dressed – in a yellow tracksuit top and black shorts, Slowthai looks like a man who’s just got up, because he has (it’s 2.45pm). The Northampton rapper, known for his hard-hitting lyrics, unruly energy and a tendency to remove his trousers while performing, has been engaged in a quieter career duty: the signing of 6,600 promo postcards at three in the morning. He started by drawing a Superman S in his signature: “But it ended up just, ‘Hi. T’.” He waves his sore hand at me.

Despite his tiredness, the 25-year-old’s particular charisma pops through the screen: the cheeky maniac at a club, the one who gets the vibe peaking simply through lairiness. Slowthai is called that because his name is Ty (Tyron Frampton) and he spoke slowly as a kid. But it’s clear his mind is going a mile a minute. His answers to my questions are long and complicated, often philosophical. “I’m always going off on tangents,” he says. “Sorry about that.”

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