Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Journey review – a polished magic show in search of deeper meaning


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Playing to a live online audience, mind-reader Scott Silven appears to know our thoughts before we do

The joy of a magic trick is in the moment. The magician defies the rules of physics and we are astonished. Usually that’s it. Unless it’s Derren Brown making us doubt our very perception of the world, the trick carries no further meaning. Quickly, we move on to something else.

You get the sense Scott Silven wants to change that. On one level, his online show, created for life under lockdown and enjoying a virtual international tour, is a series of clever mind-reading tricks. Playing to a live audience on a Zoom-like interface, he appears to know our thoughts before we do and to have predicted numbers, names and images even before the show has begun.

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