Andrew Lincoln is Ebenezer Scrooge and Mother Christmas steps into the spotlight … there are plenty of festive treats to watch from your front room this winter
The Legend of Moby Dick Whittington
Deciding that Dick Whittington needs more than just a cat companion, the rambunctious trio Sleeping Trees chuck a great white whale into the plot. The leviathan swallows Santa in this madcap musical mash-up from the team who brought you Goldilocks and the Three Musketeers. Until 5 January.
The Magic of Christmas
Some theatres have jaw-dropping scenery right outside the entrance. Perthshire’s Pitlochry Festival theatre is making the most of its location on the bank of the Tummel river, with views of the “speckled mountain”, by staging a yuletide promenade performance about elves racing to save Christmas. No need to wrap up warm: you can watch a filmed version from home. 9-23 December.